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Bio & Contact




The person behind Chinegua is Roberto S. Rodríguez, born and raised in the Canary Islands. I created Chinegua to share with the world my passion for photography and filmography. I started doing some video editing on the side for the company that I was working for, and I was loving it, but I could not devote as much time as I wanted to cinema and photography.

Then, I had a stroke of luck; whether good luck or bad luck one never knows. I would say that it was difficult for me to see at the time the possibilities that were just about to open ahead of me: Truth is that I lost my job due to the economic crisis and this opened up the door for me to take a postgraduate course in Video Editing. I had already graduated from Universidad de La Laguna with a degree in Sociology and had obtained another degree in Social Research Techniques at UAB in Barcelona but studying video editing was an opportunity I did not want to miss.

Then, I was travelling all throughout South Est Asia and…India happened. I passed by the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and was moved by the people I met and the way projects are run. And, I said to myself: what better way of putting my visual arts skills to work than collaborating with the Foundation and helping them spread their messages? That is exactly what I have been doing ever since.

Nowadays, I can count myself fortunate enough to have been able to find a fine balance between my work online as a market research analyst and also, as a filmmaker and photographer working for NGOs, particularly in India and wherever the opportunity for an exciting and motivating project arises.

If you are seeking someone passionate about story telling through visuals and videos and willing to dig a bit deeper into non-lucrative projects to find a way of showing the real lives, challenges and faces of those involved, you may have just found your person!

Origen de la palabra chinegua

Fuente: https://lacabezallena.com/lengua/canaring/

Como es bien sabido, en Canarias y Latinoamérica llaman papas a las patatas. Esta palabra no es de origen inglés, sino quechua, y fuimos los españoles peninsulares quienes le cambiamos el nombre a este tubérculo cruzándolo con el de la batata. Así surgieron nuestras patatas.

Sin embargo, algunas variedades de papa canaria sí tienen nombres que derivan del inglés. Es el caso de las papas autodate, una variedad «blanca, alargada y muy estimada para comer», según el Diccionario de la Academia Canaria de la Lengua, y cuyo nombre viene del inglés out of date (“pasado de moda”), por algún motivo que no alcanzamos a comprender.

Más divertido aún es el caso de las papas quinegua o papas chinegua, que llegaron a Canarias desde Inglaterra durante el reinado del rey Eduardo VI. Su nombre, en inglés King Edward, es el que se deformó hasta conformar el actual.